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Version: v1.3

The governance Contract

The governance contract is one of the core contracts on each IOTA Smart Contracts chain.

The governance contract provides the following functionalities:

  • It defines the identity set that constitutes the state controller (the entity that owns the state output via the chain Alias Address). It is possible to add/remove addresses from the state controller (thus rotating the committee of validators).
  • It defines the chain owner (the L1 entity that owns the chain - initially whoever deployed it). The chain owner can collect special fees and customize some chain-specific parameters.
  • It defines the entities allowed to have an access node.
  • It defines the fee policy for the chain (gas price, what token is used to pay for gas, and the validator fee share).

Fee Policy

The Fee Policy looks like the following:

GasPerToken Ratio32 // how many gas units are paid for each token
EVMGasRatio Ratio32 // the ratio at which EVM gas is converted to ISC gas
ValidatorFeeShare uint8 // percentage of the fees that are credited to the validators (0 - 100)

Entry Points

rotateStateController(S StateControllerAddress)

Called when the committee is about to be rotated to the new address S.

If it succeeds, the next state transition will become a governance transition, thus updating the state controller in the chain's Alias Output. If it fails, nothing happens.

It can only be invoked by the chain owner.


addAllowedStateControllerAddress(S StateControllerAddress)

Adds the address S to the list of identities that constitute the state controller.

It can only be invoked by the chain owner.


  • S (iotago::Address): The address to add to the set of allowed state controllers.

removeAllowedStateControllerAddress(S StateControllerAddress)

Removes the address S from the list of identities that constitute the state controller.

It can only be invoked by the chain owner.


  • S (iotago::Address): The address to remove from the set of allowed state controllers.

delegateChainOwnership(o AgentID)

Sets the Agent ID o as the new owner for the chain. This change will only be effective once claimChainOwnership is called by o.

It can only be invoked by the chain owner.


  • o (AgentID): The Agent ID of the next chain owner.


Claims the ownership of the chain if the caller matches the identity set in delegateChainOwnership.

setFeePolicy(g FeePolicy)

Sets the fee policy for the chain.


It can only be invoked by the chain owner.

setGasLimits(l GasLimits)

Sets the gas limits for the chain.


It can only be invoked by the chain owner.

setEVMGasRatio(e Ratio32)

Sets the EVM gas ratio for the chain.


It can only be invoked by the chain owner.

addCandidateNode(ip PubKey, ic Certificate, ia API, i ForCommittee)

Adds a node to the list of candidates.


  • ip ([]byte): The public key of the node to be added.
  • ic ([]byte): The certificate is a signed binary containing both the node public key and their L1 address.
  • ia (string): The API base URL for the node.
  • i (optional bool - default: false): Whether the candidate node is being added to be part of the committee or just an access node.

It can only be invoked by the access node owner (verified via the Certificate field).

revokeAccessNode(ip PubKey, ic Certificate, ia API, i ForCommittee)

Removes a node from the list of candidates.


  • ip ([]byte): The public key of the node to be removed.
  • ic ([]byte): The certificate of the node to be removed.

It can only be invoked by the access node owner (verified via the Certificate field).

changeAccessNodes(n actions)

Iterates through the given map of actions and applies them.


  • n (Map of public key => byte): The list of actions to perform. Each byte value can be one of the following:
    • 0: Remove the access node from the access nodes list.
    • 1: Accept a candidate node and add it to the list of access nodes.
    • 2: Drop an access node from the access node and candidate lists.

It can only be invoked by the chain owner.


Starts the chain maintenance mode, meaning no further requests will be processed except calls to the governance contract.

It can only be invoked by the chain owner.


Stops the maintenance mode.

It can only be invoked by the chain owner.

setCustomMetadata(x bytes)

Changes optional extra metadata that is appended to the L1 AliasOutput.


  • x (bytes): the optional metadata


setPayoutAgentID sets the payout AgentID. The default AgentID is the chain owner. Transaction fee will be taken to ensure the common account has minimum storage deposit which is in base token. The rest of transaction fee will be transferred to payout AgentID.


  • s (AgentID): the payout AgentID


setMinCommonAccountBalance sets the minimum balanced to be held in the common account.


  • ms (AgentID): the minimum common account balance



Returns the list of allowed state controllers.



Returns the AgentID of the chain owner.


  • o (AgentID): The chain owner.


Returns information about the chain.


  • c (ChainID): The chain ID
  • o (AgentID): The chain owner
  • g (FeePolicy): The gas fee policy
  • l (GasLimits): The gas limits
  • x (bytes): The custom metadata


Returns the gas fee policy.



Returns the ISC : EVM gas ratio.


  • e (Ratio32): The ISC : EVM gas ratio.


Returns the gas limits.



Returns the current access nodes and candidates.


  • ac (Map of public key => 0x01): The access nodes.
  • an (Map of public key => AccessNodeInfo): The candidate nodes.


Returns whether the chain is undergoing maintenance.


  • m (bool): true if the chain is in maintenance mode


Returns the extra metadata that is added to the chain AliasOutput.


  • x (bytes): the optional metadata


getPayoutAgentID gets the payout AgentID.

Returns the payout AgentID of the chain.


  • s (AgentID): the payout AgentID.


getMinCommonAccountBalance returns the minimum balanced to be held in the common account.


  • ms (uint64): the minimum storage deposit.



A ratio between two values x and y, expressed as two int32 numbers a:b, where y = x * b/a.

Ratio32 is encoded as the concatenation of the two uint32 values a & b.


FeePolicy is encoded as the concatenation of:

  • Gas per token (Ratio32): expressed as an a:b (gas/token) ratio, meaning how many gas units each token pays for.
  • Validator fee share. Must be between 0 and 100, meaning the percentage of the gas fees distributed to the validators. (uint8)
  • The ISC:EVM gas ratio (Ratio32): such that ISC gas = EVM gas * a/b.


GasLimits is encoded as the concatenation of:

  • The maximum gas per block (uint64). A request that exceeds this limit is skipped and processed in the next block.
  • The minimum gas per request (uint64). If a request consumes less than this value, it is charged for this instead.
  • The maximum gas per request (uint64). If a request exceeds this limit, it is rejected as failed.
  • The maximum gas per external view call (`uint64). This is the gas budget assigned to external view calls.


AccessNodeInfo is encoded as the concatenation of:

  • The validator address. ([]byte prefixed by uint16 size)
  • The certificate. ([]byte prefixed by uint16 size)
  • Whether the access node is part of the committee of validators. (bool)
  • The API base URL. (string prefixed by uint16 size)