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🗃️ IOTA EVM Testnet
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📄️ RPC Providers
RPC Providers provide highly optimized RPC endpoints for your dApps
📄️ Oracles
Learn about the role of in oracles in blockchain,their role in providing external data to smart contracts and the available oracles in Shimmer EVM.
📄️ Subgraphs
Learn about the role of subgraphs in smart contracts and how they can provide indexed blockchain data to your smart contracts.
📄️ IOTA Safe Wallet
Multisig wallet refers to having multiple private keys for a single web3 wallet.
📄️ Multicall3
Multicall3 allows you to bundle multiple calls to various contracts, for both reading and writing data, into a single transaction.
🗃️ ShimmerEVM
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🗃️ ShimmerEVM Testnet
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Wasp CLI is a command line tool for interacting with the Wasp node.