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Version: v1.6

Get Allowance

Example Code

There are multiple ways to check for an allowance.


getAllowanceFrom() fetches the funds currently allowed by the given address to the caller:

function getAllowanceFrom(address _address) public {
ISCAssets assets = ISC.sandbox.getAllowanceFrom(_address);
emit AllowanceFrom(assets)


getAllowanceTo() fetches the funds currently allowed by the caller to the given address:

function getAllowanceTo(address _target) public {
ISCAssets assets = ISC.sandbox.getAllowanceTo(_target);
emit AllowanceTo(assets)


getAllowance() gets the funds currently allowed between the given addresses:

function getAllowance(address _from, address _to) public {
ISCAssets assets = ISC.sandbox.getAllowance(_from, _to);
emit Allowance(assets)

Full Example Code

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@iota/iscmagic/ISC.sol";

contract allowance {
event AllowanceFrom(ISCAssets assets)
event AllowanceTo(ISCAssets assets)
event Allowance(ISCAssets assets)

function getAllowanceFrom(address _address) public {
ISCAssets assets = ISC.sandbox.getAllowanceFrom(_address);
emit AllowanceFrom(assets)

function getAllowanceTo(address _target) public {
ISCAssets assets = ISC.sandbox.getAllowanceTo(_target);
emit AllowanceTo(assets)

function getAllowance(address _from, address _to) public {
ISCAssets assets = ISC.sandbox.getAllowance(_from, _to);
emit Allowance(assets)