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Environment Variables

Currently Chronicle supports the following environment variables:

  • MONGODB_CONN_STR: sets the MongoDb connection string including credentials;
  • MONGODB_DB_NAME: sets the name of Chronicle's MongoDB main database;
  • INFLUXDB_URL: sets the url to Chronicle's InfluxDb time-series database;
  • INFLUXDB_USERNAME: sets the InfluxDb user;
  • INFLUXDB_PASSWORD: sets the InfluxDb password;
  • INX_URL: sets the url to an INX server (e.g a Hornet nodeA community-developed IOTA Node written in the Go programming language. Additionally, the coordinator runs as a plugin via Hornet.) providing live data;
  • JWT_IDENTITY: sets the filepath to a JWT identity file;
  • JWT_PASSWORD: sets the JWT password;
  • JWT_SALT: sets the JWT salt;