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Returns foundry outputs filtered based on parameters.



Returns foundry outputs filtered based on parameters.


Query Parameters

    aliasAddress string

    Filter foundry outputs based on bech32-encoded address of the controlling alias.

    Example: iota1prlgpsht03ekmghhex8v7y67a835uns8dtlxu807hj0v279c74kj76j6rev
    hasNativeTokens boolean

    Filters outputs based on the presence of native tokens.

    Example: true
    minNativeTokenCount integer

    Filters outputs that have at least a certain number of distinct native tokens.

    Example: 2
    maxNativeTokenCount integer

    Filters outputs that have at most a certain number of distinct native tokens.

    Example: 5
    createdBefore integer

    Return outputs that were created before a certain Unix timestamp.

    Example: 1643383242
    createdAfter integer

    Return outputs that were created after a certain Unix timestamp.

    Example: 1643383242
    pageSize integer

    The maximum amount of items returned in one call. If there are more items, a cursor to the next page is returned too. The parameter is ignored when pageSize is defined via the cursor parameter.

    Example: 10
    cursor string

    Starts the search from the cursor (confirmationMS+outputId.pageSize).

    Example: 0c78e998f5177834ecb3bae1596d5056af76e487386eecb19727465b4be86a790200.10


Successful operation.

    ledgerIndex integerrequired

    The current ledger index for which the request was made.

    cursor stringnullable

    The cursor to use for getting the next page of results.

    items string[]required

    The output IDs (transaction hash + output index) of the outputs satisfying the query. Hex-encoded with 0x prefix.
