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Returns an address's balance.



Returns the balance of IOTA tokens owned by a given bech32 address.


Path Parameters

    address stringrequired

    bech32 address that is referenced by the outputs.

    Example: iota1qpf0mlq8yxpx2nck8a0slxnzr4ef2ek8f5gqxlzd0wasgp73utryj430ldu


Successful operation.

    totalBalance string

    The total value held in unspent outputs that is unlockable by the given address or currently timelocked. Does not include funds held in storage deposit.

    availableBalance string

    The total value held in unspent outputs that is immediately unlockable at ledgerIndex by the given address. Does not include funds held in storage deposit.

    ledgerIndex integer

    The ledger index for which the balance calculation was performed.
