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Returns information of all stakers (registered validators) and if they are active, ordered by their holding stake.



Returns information of all stakers (registered validators) and if they are active, ordered by their holding stake.


Query Parameters

    pageSize integer

    The page number of stakers.

    Example: 1
    cursor string

    Starts the search from the cursor (requested slot index+start index).

    Example: 16,20


Successful operation.

    validators object[]
  • Array [
  • oneOf
    address stringrequired

    The account address of the staker.

    stakingEndEpoch integerrequired

    The epoch index until which the staker registered to stake.

    poolStake stringrequired

    The total stake of the pool, including delegators.

    validatorStake stringrequired

    The stake of a staker.

    fixedCost stringrequired

    The fixed cost of the staker, which it receives as part of its Mana rewards.

    active booleanrequired

    Shows whether staker was active recently.

    latestSupportedProtocolVersion integerrequired

    The latest protocol version the staker supported.

    latestSupportedProtocolHash stringrequired

    The latest protocol hash the staker supported.

  • ]
  • pageSize integer

    The number of registerd validators returned per one API request with pagination.

    cursor string

    The cursor that needs to be provided as cursor query parameter to request the next page. Cursor is absent if the last page is returned.
