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Create an NFT with the IOTA SDK and IPFS in NodeJs

In this tutorial, you will upload your desired image to IPFS and create an NFT from the unique IPFS URL on the Shimmer Testnet. This tutorial will build on the tutorial "Setup Testnet address and receive funds from the faucet". If you still need to complete it, please do so, and afterward, come back here or make sure you have a funded wallet. You will use the same folder and development environment as in the mentioned prerequired tutorial, allowing you to reuse the Stronghold account with funds on it.


Set Up

Prepare Your Development Environment

Navigate to the folder you created when completing the Set Up a Testnet Address and Receive Funds from the Faucet tutorial:

cd wallet-setup

Install packages

Next to the existing dependencies of the wallet setup tutorial, you will only need to add two more packages by running the following commands:

While writing this tutorial the @iota/sdk version used was v1.0.6.

npm install @iota/sdk
npm install ipfs-core

Afterward, your package.json file should contain the following dependencies:

"name": "wallet-setup",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "create-mnemonic.js",
"dependencies": {
"@iota/sdk": "^1.0.0",
"dotenv": "^16.0.1",
"ipfs-core": "^0.15.4"
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "Apache-2.0"

Prepare an Image for the NFT

Add your desired *.jpg file to the wallet-setup folder you created and rename it to nft-image.jpg.

For this tutorial we'll use the following image:

NFT Image


Create NFT

Create a new file create-nft.js and add the following code:


We broke the code into separate snippets to help you understand it better. To make it work, copy all code snippets into the file you have just created.

1. Imports and parameters

// Libraries
import {
} from '@iota/sdk';
const IPFS = require('ipfs-core');
const fs = require('fs');

// Environment variables
require('dotenv').config({ path: './.env' });

2. Upload file to IPFS

The function uploadByPath() starts a local IPFS node, reads the file from the provided path, uploads it to IPFS, and returns the unique IPFS content identifier.

async function uploadByPath(filePath) {
try {
console.log(consoleColor, `Start local IPFS node for upload:`);

// Set up local IPFS node for upload
let node;
if (!node) {
node = await IPFS.create({
repo: `ipfs_node`,

// Read file from path
const file = fs.readFileSync(filePath);

// Upload file to IPFS
const fileAdded = await node.add(file);
const contentIdentifier = fileAdded.path;

`Your file was uploaded to IPFS with the following Content Identifier (CID):`,
console.log(contentIdentifier, '\n');

console.log(consoleColor, `Check your file on IPFS:`);
console.log(`${contentIdentifier}`, '\n');

return contentIdentifier;
} catch (error) {
console.error('IPFS upload error', error);

3. Prepare the NFT's metadata

This part calls the uploadByPath() function described above and prepares the metadata of your NFT. Make sure to give your NFT a nice name here.

async function run() {
try {
const filePath = "nft-image.jpg";
const ipfsCid = await uploadByPath(filePath);

// Define NFT metadata
const metadataObject = {
standard: "IRC27",
type: "image/jpeg",
version: "v1.0",
name: "<Enter_your_desired_name_here>",
uri: `${ipfsCid}`

const metadataBytes = utf8ToHex(JSON.stringify(metadataObject));

4. Import Stronghold account and synchronize

if (!process.env.STRONGHOLD_PASSWORD) {
throw new Error('.env STRONGHOLD_PASSWORD is undefined, see .env.example');

const wallet = new Wallet({
storagePath: process.env.WALLET_DB_PATH,

const account = await wallet.getAccount('Alice');

// We send from the first address in the account.
const senderAddress = (await account.addresses())[0].address;

// We need to unlock stronghold.
await wallet.setStrongholdPassword(process.env.STRONGHOLD_PASSWORD);

5. Mint NFT

You should prepare the parameters for minting the NFT and define them in a MintNftParms type.

  • address: (optional) Bech32 encoded address to which the Nft will be minted. The default will use the first address of the account.
  • sender: Bech32 encoded sender address
  • metadata: Hex encoded bytes containing metadata as per IRC27 from TIP-27 as done in the previous step.
  • tag: Hex encoded bytes with custom tags that can help you categorize.
  • issuer: Bech32 encoded issuer address
  • immutableMetadata: Similar to metadata as hex encoded bytes. However, this one can not be updated later once minted. It can contain core properties that are immutable.
      const params: MintNftParams = {
sender: senderAddress,
metadata: metadataBytes,
tag: utf8ToHex('some NFT tag'),
issuer: senderAddress,
immutableMetadata: metadataBytes,
const prepared = await account.prepareMintNfts([params]);

let transaction = await prepared.send();
console.log(`Transaction sent: ${transaction.transactionId}`);

// Wait for transaction to get included
let blockId = await account.retryTransactionUntilIncluded(

`Block included: ${process.env.EXPLORER_URL}/block/${blockId}`,
console.log('Minted NFT!');
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error: ', error);


Run the script create-nft.js and check the console output to follow the steps described above:

node create-nft.js

Check out the transaction block that minted your NFT in the Shimmer Testnet Explorer. If everything went according to plan, the transaction spent a basic output and created two new unspent outputs, one NFT output, and a new basic output. In the newly created NFT output, you can see the immutable metadata of your NFT together with the unique IPFS URL.