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Version: v1.6

Use as ERC721

About the ERC721NFTs contract

The ERC721NFTs contract is a hardcoded contract at address 0x1074030000000000000000000000000000000000. Every L1 NFT owned by the chain can be accessed through it. In this example, we will show you how to use it by using transferFrom.

Example Code

  1. ERC721 uses the tokenID for almost all interactions with it. So first, you should convert the NFTID to a tokenID:
uint256 tokenID = uint256(NFTID.unwrap(nftID));
Token ID to NFT ID

You can use the ISCTypes.asNFTID() function to convert a Token ID to an NFT ID, by either using it on a token ID tokenID.asNFTID(); or passing it to function ISCTypes.asNFTID(tokenID).

  1. Transfer the token with ID tokenID, by using the ERC20NFTs contract, which is exposed in the library as ISC.nfts, and calling the standard transferFrom function:
ISC.nfts.transferFrom(msg.sender, _destination, tokenID);