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Check if the account is ready to issue a block.



Check the readiness of the node to issue a new block, the reference mana cost based on the rate setter and current network congestion, and the block issuance credits of the requested account.


Path Parameters

    bech32Address stringrequired

    The Account Address in bech32.

    Example: rms1pqm4xk8e9ny5w5rxjkvtp249tfhlwvcshyr3pc0665jvp7g3hc875k538hl


Successful operation.

    slot integerrequired

    The slot index for which the congestion estimate is provided.

    ready booleanrequired

    Indicates if a node is ready to issue a block in a current congestion or should wait.

    referenceManaCost stringrequired

    The cost in mana for issuing a block in a current congestion estimated based on RMC and slot index.

    blockIssuanceCredits stringrequired

    The Block Issuance Credits of the requested account.
