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21 docs tagged with "smart contracts"

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About How-to Guides

Explore the how-to guides for IOTA Smart Contracts, offering step-by-step instructions on various topics and functionalities.

Call Functions

Explore how synchronous function calls work between smart contracts, highlighting the role of function descriptors in parameter and token passage, and understanding the ISC host's role in this procedure.

Calling a Smart Contract

Smart contracts can be invoked through their entry points, from outside via a request, or from inside via a call.

Compatible Tools

Existing EVM tooling is compatible and can be used directly with an IOTA Smart Contracts chain running EVM. You can configure hardhat, metamask, remix, Ether.js and Web3.js among others.


IOTA Smart Contracts consensus is how Layer 2 validators agree to change the chain state in the same way.

Core Contracts

There currently are 6 core smart contracts that are always deployed on each chain, root, _default, accounts, blob, blocklog, and governance.

Core Contracts

There currently are 6 core smart contracts that are always deployed on each chain, root, _default, accounts, blob, blocklog, and governance.

Create ERC721 NFTs

Create and deploy a Solidity smart contract to mint NFTs using the ERC721 standard.

How Accounts Work

IOTA Smart Contracts chains keep a ledger of on-chain account balances. On-chain accounts are identified by an AgentID.


The current release of IOTA Smart Contracts also has experimental support for EVM/Solidity, providing limited compatibility with existing smart contracts and tooling from other EVM based chains like Ethereum.

Sandbox Interface

Smart Contracts can only interact with the world by using the Sandbox interface which provides limited and deterministic access to the state through a key/value storage abstraction.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are applications you can trust that run on a distributed network with multiple validators all executing and validating the same code.

The errors Contract

The errors contract keeps a map of error codes to error message templates. These error codes are used in request receipts.

The evm Contract

The evm core contract provides the necessary infrastructure to accept Ethereum transactions and execute EVM code.

The root Contract

The root contract is the first smart contract deployed on the chain. It functions as a smart contract factory for the chain.

Trigger Events

This article outlines how to trigger events in smart contracts utilizing ISC sandbox's ScFuncContext and the Schema Tool for structured events.

Use View-Only Functions

Explore the characteristics and constraints of view-only functions in smart contracts, illustrated through a 'getFactor' function example.