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ClientError Objects

class ClientError(Exception)

Represents a client error.

Client Objects

class Client(NodeCoreAPI, NodeIndexerAPI, HighLevelAPI, ClientUtils)

Represents an IOTA client.


  • handle - The handle to the inner client object.


def __init__(nodes: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None,
primary_node: Optional[str] = None,
primary_pow_node: Optional[str] = None,
permanode: Optional[str] = None,
ignore_node_health: Optional[bool] = None,
api_timeout: Optional[timedelta] = None,
node_sync_interval: Optional[timedelta] = None,
remote_pow_timeout: Optional[timedelta] = None,
tips_interval: Optional[int] = None,
quorum: Optional[bool] = None,
min_quorum_size: Optional[int] = None,
quorum_threshold: Optional[int] = None,
user_agent: Optional[str] = None,
local_pow: Optional[bool] = None,
fallback_to_local_pow: Optional[bool] = None,
pow_worker_count: Optional[int] = None,

Initialize the IOTA Client.


  • nodes:
    A single Node URL or an array of URLs.
  • primary_node:
    Node which will be tried first for all requests.
  • primary_pow_node:
    Node which will be tried first when using remote PoW, even before the primary_node.
  • permanode:
    Permanode URL.
  • ignore_node_health:
    If the node health should be ignored.
  • api_timeout:
    Timeout for API requests.
  • node_sync_interval:
    Interval in which nodes will be checked for their sync status and the NetworkInfo gets updated.
  • remote_pow_timeout:
    Timeout when sending a block that requires remote proof of work.
  • tips_interval:
    Tips request interval during PoW in seconds.
  • quorum:
    If node quorum is enabled. Will compare the responses from multiple nodes and only returns the response if 'quorum_threshold'% of the nodes return the same one.
  • min_quorum_size:
    Minimum amount of nodes required for request when quorum is enabled.
  • quorum_threshold:
    % of nodes that have to return the same response so it gets accepted.
  • user_agent:
    The User-Agent header for requests.
  • local_pow:
    Local proof of work.
  • fallback_to_local_pow:
    Fallback to local proof of work if the node doesn't support remote PoW.
  • pow_worker_count:
    The amount of threads to be used for proof of work.
  • client_handle:
    An instance of a node client.


def get_handle()

Get the client handle.


The inner client object.


def build_alias_output(
alias_id: HexStr,
unlock_conditions: List[UnlockCondition],
amount: Optional[int] = None,
native_tokens: Optional[List[NativeToken]] = None,
state_index: Optional[int] = None,
state_metadata: Optional[str] = None,
foundry_counter: Optional[int] = None,
features: Optional[List[Feature]] = None,
immutable_features: Optional[List[Feature]] = None) -> AliasOutput

Build an AliasOutput.


  • alias_id - A unique ID for the new alias.
  • unlock_conditions - The unlock conditions for the new output.
  • amount - The amount of base coins in the new output.
  • native_tokens - Native tokens added to the new output.
  • state_index - A counter that must increase by 1 every time the alias is state transitioned.
  • state_metadata - Metadata that can only be changed by the state controller.
  • foundry_counter - A counter that denotes the number of foundries created by this alias account.
  • features - A list of features.
  • immutable_features - A list of immutable features.


The alias output as dict.


def build_basic_output(
unlock_conditions: List[UnlockCondition],
amount: Optional[int] = None,
native_tokens: Optional[List[NativeToken]] = None,
features: Optional[List[Feature]] = None) -> BasicOutput

Build a BasicOutput.


  • unlock_conditions - The unlock conditions for the new output.
  • amount - The amount of base coins in the new output.
  • native_tokens - Native tokens added to the new output.
  • features - Features that add utility to the output but do not impose unlocking conditions.


The basic output as dict.


def build_foundry_output(
serial_number: int,
token_scheme: SimpleTokenScheme,
unlock_conditions: List[UnlockCondition],
amount: Optional[int] = None,
native_tokens: Optional[List[NativeToken]] = None,
features: Optional[List[Feature]] = None,
immutable_features: Optional[List[Feature]] = None) -> FoundryOutput

Build a FoundryOutput.


  • serial_number - The serial number of the foundry with respect to the controlling alias.
  • token_scheme - Defines the supply control scheme of the tokens controlled by the foundry. Currently only a simple scheme is supported.
  • unlock_conditions - The unlock conditions for the new output.
  • amount - The amount of base coins in the new output.
  • native_tokens - Native tokens added to the new output.
  • features - Features that add utility to the output but do not impose unlocking conditions.
  • immutable_features - Features that add utility to the output but do not impose unlocking conditions. These features need to be kept in future transitions of the UTXO state machine.


The foundry output as dict.


def build_nft_output(
nft_id: HexStr,
unlock_conditions: List[UnlockCondition],
amount: Optional[int] = None,
native_tokens: Optional[List[NativeToken]] = None,
features: Optional[List[Feature]] = None,
immutable_features: Optional[List[Feature]] = None) -> NftOutput

Build an NftOutput.


  • nft_id - A unique ID for the new NFT.
  • unlock_conditions - The unlock conditions for the new output.
  • amount - The amount of base coins in the new output.
  • native_tokens - Native tokens added to the new output.
  • features - Features that add utility to the output but do not impose unlocking conditions.
  • immutable_features - Features that add utility to the output but do not impose unlocking conditions. These features need to be kept in future transitions of the UTXO state machine.


The NFT output as dict.


def build_and_post_block(
secret_manager: Optional[Union[LedgerNanoSecretManager,
StrongholdSecretManager]] = None,
account_index: Optional[int] = None,
coin_type: Optional[int] = None,
custom_remainder_address: Optional[str] = None,
data: Optional[HexStr] = None,
initial_address_index: Optional[int] = None,
input_range_start: Optional[int] = None,
input_range_end: Optional[int] = None,
inputs: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
output: Optional[AddressAndAmount] = None,
outputs: Optional[List[Any]] = None,
tag: Optional[HexStr] = None) -> List[Union[HexStr, Block]]

Build and post a block.


  • account_index: The account index to issue the block with.
  • coin_type: The type of base coin.
  • custom_remainder_address: Address to send the remainder funds to.
  • data: Hex encoded data.
  • initial_address_index: Initial address index.
  • input_range_start: Start of the input range.
  • input_range_end: End of the input range.
  • inputs: Inputs to use.
  • output: Address and amount to send to.
  • outputs: Outputs to use.
  • tag: Hex encoded tag.


The created block as dict.


def get_node() -> Dict[str, Any]

Get a node candidate from the healthy node pool.


def get_network_info() -> NetworkInfo

Gets the network related information such as network_id and min_pow_score.


def get_network_id() -> int

Gets the network id of the node we're connecting to.


def get_bech32_hrp() -> str

Returns the bech32_hrp.


def get_min_pow_score() -> int

Returns the min pow score.


def get_tips_interval() -> int

Returns the tips interval.


def get_local_pow() -> bool

Returns if local pow should be used or not.


def get_fallback_to_local_pow() -> bool

Get fallback to local proof of work timeout.


def unhealthy_nodes() -> List[Dict[str, Any]]

Returns the unhealthy nodes.


def prepare_transaction(
secret_manager: Optional[Union[LedgerNanoSecretManager,
StrongholdSecretManager]] = None,

Prepare a transaction for signing.


  • secret_manager - One of the supported secret managers.
  • options - the transaction options.


def sign_transaction(
secret_manager: Union[LedgerNanoSecretManager, MnemonicSecretManager,
SeedSecretManager, StrongholdSecretManager],
prepared_transaction_data: PreparedTransactionData
) -> TransactionPayload

Sign a transaction.


  • secret_manager - One of the supported secret managers.
  • prepared_transaction_data - a prepared transaction to sign.


def submit_payload(payload: Payload) -> List[Union[HexStr, Block]]

Submit a payload in a block.


payload : The payload to submit.


List of HexStr or Block.


def listen_mqtt(topics: List[str], handler)

Listen to MQTT events.


  • topics - The topics to listen to.
  • handler - A callback function for MQTT events.


def clear_mqtt_listeners(topics: List[str])

Removes all listeners for the provided MQTT topics.


  • topics - The topics to stop listening to.